Having a full time Job while also starting a blog while also studying for next next big accomplishment (2023 announcement) can be very overwhelming and exhausting. I recently made the decision to not set a goal for every little thing because although details do matter sometimes they can consume more time than needed; with me acknowledging that factor I came up with Monthly Intentions! So Listed Below are a Few ways on How I become Intentional while accomplishing some goals of mine
Monthly Intentions 101
Beginning each month with a realistic & open mindset ( life happens, just try your best)
Weekly, taking time to write out all daily task and to do's
Daily selfceare( hot bath, quite time, podcast)
Daily working on self progression; breathing exercises/ yoga
Eating PERIOD!... Trying to have a well balanced diet!!!!!
Drinking plenty of water( helps keep the mind, body & soul clear; water benefits your overall health whether physical or mental)
Just do what need to be done; do it tired, do it ready or not
As I finish this short post I want you to take into account what you do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis and what can improve in your routine and how to achieve set goals you want in life. Learning how to be intentional starts with the mindset you have and not have it all figured out is more of a self pusher than you know it.
Nia J.
